måndag 19 november 2007

Great Divine Rector's Call

the sounds of american doomsday cults cd faithways international

this is some seriously disturbing, displacing shit. recording of a doomsday cult with a religious gumbo background of christianity, eastern spirituality, mysticism and a handful of other thoughtsources. there's a bunch of spoken rants against rock music on here (mostly hilarious outcrys against david booie, weird al yankovic, cindy looper et al, but also really fucking scary vibes with shit about demons and fallen angels from "the pit"), as well as a ton of INTENSE in tongue mantra chanting, solo, duo and mass style, centered around a 28 minute piece of total frontal lobe annihilation, a relentless vocal drone tounge twister that unfolds like a tibetan monk chant while simultaniously holding a knife to your throat. remember that simpsons ep where rod & todd speak in tongues to comfort flanders? kinda lika that, only a hundred percent more fierce.

onsdag 31 oktober 2007

war never changes

pulse emitter progression to desolation LP black horizons

heavy swoops of home-built synthesizer murk. at first it sounds like swarms of primitive cybernetic moths built by some loner mechanic from parts of old junkers, coming at you from a steel grey sky before turning inside out and forming a single penetrating wave to wipe you and your family out. it then goes into weird atonal jamming, abandoned cathedral style until your mind is finally rubbed out by a giant diamond. and that's just side one.
second side is more contemplative, like the inner monologue of a really old electronic storage system. dusk falls and the machine leaves you with feelings of inner turmoil before a calm analog blanket encapsules you and lulls you into emotional ambiguity. this is not a record, it's a post-apocalyptic work of art. and it rules.

tisdag 30 oktober 2007

initial 3 scribblingz

warning sign live at copymax jason's birthday 1SLP american tapes

fucking weird jammer this one. johnny shithead from the lupus group jamming with new pledgemaster and drunk weirdos in a basement. it all sounds like some ancient relic of sound dug up from underneath a landfill, buried next to area 51 autopsy aliens. all horns is up to full rust, all drums are actually a lawn mower. the dust on the record is from the actual spot it was recorded on. if this is a hangover you had a pretty strange night. awesome!

åke hodell complete text-sound compositions 3CD box fylkingen records

not news, but still worth mentioning. 3 cd box with a booklet full of cool konkret poetry collages and post-dada ramblings. text-sound compositions by a fighter pilot/film maker, some in swedish and some in english, some frozen in time and some like you just scraped them off some forgotten weird tape from last year. rad politics, totally anti-establishment. worth digging out for The Djurgården Ferry across the Styx track alone. amazing and totally singular.

carlos giffoni opening the gates LP börft/ufo mongo

real slow burner. synthesizer psych-drone blackout. like watching embers in a dark cave with someone occationally dropping a cinderblock on your head. released on the mother label of enema syringe and commando laarz. comparisons to paul kelday are apt. fuck yeah...